Completion of isoniazid preventive therapy and factors associated with non-completion in an antiretroviral therapy-naive HIV-infected cohort in Cape Town by Tolu Oni.


includes bibliographic references.TB incidence in South Africa remains high, despite high rates of successful treatment suggesting ongoing transmission and a large reservoir of latently infected persons. Isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) is recommended as preventive therapy in HIV-infected persons. However, implementation has been slow, impeded by barriers and challenges including the fear of non-adherence. A protocol was therefore written to conduct a study to measure IPT completion rates and evaluate predictors of non-completion of a six-month IPT course in Khayelitsha, an informal township in Cape Town. Prior to data analysis, a structured literature review was conducted to assess available evidence particularly from high-burden settings on IPT completion rates and factors associated with loss to follow up

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