Filling the gap: development and qualitative process evaluation of a task sharing psycho-social counselling intervention for perinatal depression in Khayelitsha, South Africa


Perinatal depression is a major public health issue which contributes significantly to the global burden of disease, especially in low resource settings in South Africa, where there is a shortage of mental health professionals. New psychological interventions delivered by non-specialists are needed to fill the treatment gap. Task sharing of psycho-social interventions for perinatal depression has been shown to be feasible, acceptable and effective in low and middle-income countries. However; there are limited data on process evaluations of task shared interventions for perinatal depression. This thesis attempts to address this gap by presenting four papers based on a study that undertook a qualitative process evaluation on a task shared psycho-social intervention. The thesis integrates all the papers under one primary aim (a process evaluation) which triangulated data from four sources which were published literature, perspectives of local depressed women, and perspectives of the counsellors in the trial and recipients of the intervention in the trial. The thesis will be presented in six chapters. The first chapter provides a background with current issues in global mental health, psycho-social interventions, task sharing in low and middle income countries and the United Kingdom (UK) Medical Research Council (MRC) framework for developing and evaluating interventions. A second chapter presents a systematic review on qualitative evidence of process evaluations of task sharing interventions for perinatal depression in LAMICs in relation to the UK MRC framework for conducting process evaluations. The systematic review reveals a paucity of qualitative evidence of process evaluations together with several crucial factors related to context, implementation and mechanisms of an intervention including: content and understandability, counsellors facilitating trust and motivation to conduct the intervention and participant factors such as motivation to attend the sessions and willingness to learn and change their behaviour. The third chapter provides information on development of the intervention and determining the feasibility in line with the MRC framework. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with 26 participants, including service providers and service users at a clinic in Khayelitsha. After the semi-structured interviews, a workshop was conducted with mental health experts on evidence-based psychological interventions for depression, together with a document review of counselling manuals for community health workers in South Africa. The feasibility study showed that a task sharing counselling intervention was acceptable and feasible for depressed women in Khayelitsha, under the following conditions: (1) respondents preferred a female counsellor and felt that a clinic based individual sessions should be provided at least once a month by an experienced Xhosa speaking counsellor from the community; and (2) the content of a counselling intervention should include psycho-education on cognitive and behavioural effects of depression, how to cope with interpersonal problems, and financial stressors. Based on these conditions, the review of manuals and expert consultation, key components of the counselling intervention were identified as: psycho-education, problem solving, healthy thinking and behaviour activation. These were included in the final counselling manual. The fourth chapter, presents the first of two perspectives of the post-intervention qualitative process evaluations, with lay counsellors. Post intervention qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with six counsellors from the AFrica Focus on Intervention Research for Mental Health (AFFIRM-SA) randomized controlled trial on their perceptions of delivering a task shared psycho-social intervention for perinatal depression. These interviews revealed that facilitating factors in the delivery of the intervention included intervention related factors such as: the content of the intervention, ongoing training and supervision, using a counselling manual, conducting counselling sessions in the local language (isiXhosa) and fidelity to the manual. Counsellor factors including counsellors’ confidence and motivation to conduct the sessions and participant factors included older age, commitment and a desire to be helped. Barriers included contextual factors such as poverty, crime and lack of space to conduct counselling sessions and participant factors such as the nature of the participant’s problem, younger age, and avoidance of contact with counsellors. Fidelity ratings and dropout rates varied substantially between counsellors. The fifth chapter presents the second of two perspectives of post intervention qualitative process evaluation with participants. Stratified purposeful sampling based on non-attendance, partial attendance and complete attendance of the intervention resulted in 34 participants being selected for semi-structured interviews. All interviews were recorded, transcribed and translated. Transcripts were analysed using a framework analysis in NVivo v11. Several factors acted as either barriers or facilitators of the participants’ context, mechanisms of the intervention and the implementation of the intervention. Contextual factors included the nature of problem such as unplanned pregnancy, interpersonal difficulties and location of the counselling. Mechanisms included participant factors such as willingness to learn new skills and change behaviour, counsellor factors such as motivation and empathy and intervention factors such as the content of the intervention. Implementation factors included the perception of the use or inability to use material such as the counselling manual, homework book and relaxation CD. The majority of the participants found the following sessions to be most valuable; “psycho-education for depression”, “problem solving” and “healthy thinking”, although a few participants did not have good recall of the sessions. The final chapter presents a discussion of key findings together with their implications for researchers, policy makers and other stakeholders. The chapter concludes with recommendations for future research in order to understand the contextual, participant, counsellor and intervention factors involved in the implementation of task sharing interventions

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