Proposed performance statistics for evaluating the effects of pelagic fishing on African Penguin populations


Given the move towards adopting an ecosystem approach to fisheries in the pelagic sector, the new pelagic OMP needs to be tested in the light of not only the risk parameters as considered previously, along with catch statistics for the anchovy and sardine populations, but also parameters denoting risk to the African penguin population(s) Spheniscus demersus. Penguins have been chosen as a key predator species to consider because of their conservation status, and because of their potential sensitivity to changes in pelagic fish abundance and distribution as a consequence of their land-based breeding sites. A model of penguin dynamics has been developed for use as a penguin Operating Model to be coupled to the pelagic fish OMP. This paper summarises the proposed implementation and suggests performance statistics for use in evaluating the impact on penguins of predicted future pelagic fish trajectories under alternative harvest strategies (OMPs)

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