
Aid and trade for livestock development and food security in West Africa


Livestock keeping traditionally is very important in West Africa, occurring in many forms and fulfilling roles that change over time and from north to south. This report presents the results of a quickscan done by Wageningen UR Livestock Research and La Ventana consulting, mainly for policy discussions, but also giving suggestions for action by the private sector. The report is written for the Dutch Ministries of Economic Affairs (Department of European Agricultural Policy and Food Security, Directorate-General Agro) and Foreign Affairs (Directorate-General of International Cooperation). The central issue in this study is the search for opportunities for livestock development to enhance food security in West Africa through aid and trade. The report discusses win-win and trade-offs between aid and trade, reflecting a rather traditional divide between development aid and economic development. Nowadays the notion public and private might replace that of aid and trade

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