A dedicated accelerator research and development facility SINBAD (Short INnovative Bunches and Accelerators at DESY) is proposed. This multi-purpose research facility is initially aimed at promoting three major goals: (1) Short electron bunches for ultra-fast science. (2) Construction of a plasma accelerator module with useable beam quality (3) Setup of an attosecond radiation source with advanced technology. Research and development on these topics is presently ongoing at various places at DESY, as add-on experiments at operational facilities. The two research goals are intimately connected: short bunches and precise femtosecond timing are requirements for developing a plasma accelerator module with external injection or staging. The scientific case of a dedicated facility for accelerator research at DESY is discussed. Further options are mentioned, like the use of a 1 GeV beam from Linac II for FEL studies. The presently planned conversion of the DORIS accelerator and its central halls into the SINBAD facility is described. The available space will allow setting up several independent experiments with a cost-effective use of the same infrastructure(for example a central high power laser, a central timing and synchronization lab, etc.). National and international contributions and proposals can be envisaged. A preliminary, possible layout and the design work plan are discussed