
Modeling Stiffness and Damping in Rotational Degrees of Freedom Using Multibond Graphs


A contribution is proposed for the modeling of mechanical systems using multibond graphs. When modeling a physical system, it may be needed to catch the dynamic behavior contribution of the joints between bodies of the system and therefore to characterize the stiffness and damping of the links between them. The visibility of where dissipative or capacitive elements need to be implemented to represent stiffness and damping in multibond graphs is not obvious and will be explained. A multibond graph architecture is then proposed to add stiffness and damping in hree rotational degrees of freedom. The resulting joint combines the spherical joint multibond graph relaxed causal constraints while physically representing three concatenated revolute joints. The mathematical foundations are presented, and then illustrated through the modeling and simulation of an inertial navigation system; in which stiffness and damping between the gimbals are taken into account. This method is particularly useful when modeling and simulating multibody systems using Newton-Euler formalism in multibond graphs. Future work will show how this method can be extended to more complex systems such as rotorcraft blades' connections with its rotor hub.Fondation Airbus Grou

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