
Evaluation of the HSCVF Bursary Scheme


The ‘Building Sustainability: Extended Support Package’ aimed to increase the capacity and sustainability of 94 local projects - all were Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations funded by the Health and Social Care Volunteering Fund (HSCVF). The bursary scheme, as it became known, was managed by Ecorys as the lead partner alongside Eastside Primetimers, CSV and Attend as the three delivery partners. Projects chose from a menu of over 50 offers including mentoring, coaching, on-site support, training and ‘other’. A Support Consultant, allocated to each project, helped them assess their needs, choose the most appropriate offers and submit the application. The scheme was introduced in 2012 with all offers utilised by May 2013. It was funded by the Department of Health. This report presents the findings from an evaluation undertaken by the Institute for Health & Wellbeing at Leeds Metropolitan University

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