
Computation of betatron mismatch and emmitance blow-up for multi-turn extraction


The present version of the five-turn Continuous Transfer extraction at PS machine is based on beam slicing by means of an electrostatic septum. Recently, a novel approach has been proposed, where the beam is split into five beamlets by means of stable islands, created by sextupoles and octupoles, together with a proper tune variation. In this paper, the two approaches are compared by considering their properties in terms of equivalent optical parameters, beam emittance, and emittance after filamentation in the receiving machine (SPS) for the various slices. Analytic expressions of the relevant optical and beam parameters are derived for the present version of the Continuous Transfer, while the same quantities are estimated in the case of the novel approach via numerical simulations. Finally, the robustness of the approach based on adiabatic capture in transverse phase space is discussed with particular emphasis on tune ripple effects and variation of nonlinear elements strength

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