
Interfacing Modbus Plus to EPICS for KEKB Accelerator Control System


The KEKB Accelerator control system[1] is based on EPICS(Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System)[2] and uses many PLCs in the magnet protec-tion systems and the radiation safety system. In order to monitor the interlock status, Modbus Plus[3] is adopted as the protocol between an IOC(Input/Output Controller) and PLCs. For this purpose, a device support and a driver support for Modbus Plus have been developed. The device/driver support modules allow an IOC to communicate with PLC-s by asynchronous I/O transactions, in such a manner that the GPIB devices do. With the software modules, an IOC works always as a master device on the Modbus Plus net-work to read the status of controlled devices from PLC memory. While the main use of the software is to read the interlock status, it is also used to reset the interlock sys-tems. Details of the software structure are described. An ap-plication of this software in the KEKB accelerator control system is also presented.

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