
The CLIC Study of Magnet Stability and Time-dependent Luminosity Performance


The present parameters of the CLIC study require the collision of small emittance beams with a vertical spot size of 1 nm. The tolerances on vertical quadrupole vi-bration (above a few Hz) are as small as a few nm in the linac and most of the Final Focus. The final focusing quadrupole has a stability requirement of 4 nm in the horizontal and 0.2 nm in the vertical direction. Those tol-erances can only be achieved with the use of damped support structures for CLIC. A study has been set-up at CERN to explore the application of stabilization devices from specialized industry and to predict the time-dependent luminosity performance for CLIC. The results will guide the specification of required technological im-provements and will help to verify the feasibility of the present CLIC parameters

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