
Implementing Problem Resolution Models in Remedy


This paper defines the concept of Problem Resolution Model (PRM) and describes the current implementation made by the User Support unit at CERN. One of the main challenges of User Support services in any High Energy Physics institute/organization is to address solving of the computing-relatedproblems faced by their researchers. The User Support group at CERN is the IT unit in charge of modeling the operations of the Help Desk and acts as asecond level support to some of the support lines whose problems are receptioned at the Help Desk. The motivation behind the use of a PRM is to provide well defined procedures and methods to react in an efficient way to a request for solving a problem,providing advice, information etc. A PRM is materialized on a workflow which has a set of defined states in which a problem can be. Problems move from onestate to another according to actions as decided by the person who is handling them. A PRM can be implemented by a computer application, generallyreferred to as Problem Reporting Management System (PRMS). Through this application problems can be effectively guided through the states of theworkflow by applying actions on them. This automatic handling improves problem resolution times and provides flexible incorporation of the problems inthe workflow (either by email, the helpdesk operator etc.). It also provides registration and accounting of problems including the creation of a knowledgebase, reporting, performance measurement, etc. For such implementation we have used Remedy, which is the current choice of the IT Division at CERN fora PRMS. Remedy is an specialized development system to create PRM applications. We have developed a complete Remedy application to implement theUser Support PRM. Also, we have created complementary tools for reporting, statistics, backups, etc. The aim of this paper is to explain all these concepts and the main issues behind their implementation

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