
Optics Solutions for the Collimation Insertion of LHC


While the two collimation insertions in the LHC must have similar basic layouts and match to almost identical dispersion suppressors to respect the geometry of the existing tunnel, their different roles impose opposite requirements on the normalized dispersion within them. For betatron collimation it must be near zero, while for momentum collimation it must have a peak at the location of the primary collimator, immediately after the dispersion suppressor. The insertion lattice solution found for the latter case requires up to 30% asymmetry in the quadrupole gradients (in line with the current trend in LHC lattice development to break the exact antisymmetry within insertions). To achieve this using twin-aperture warm quadrupoles, the modules making up each quadrupole will be wired in such a way that the two beams still see the same sequence of focusing fields. We describe the optimum setup, exibility and collimation quality for the two insertions

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