
The information system for LHC parameters and layouts


The construction of the Large Hadron Collider, LHC, at CERN implies both the handling of a huge amount of information and the control of the coherence of this information. The LHC machine parameters have to be maintained coherent as the design evolves from the conceptual stage to the actual, installed, machine and have to be made available to all concerned. Design data is provided in many different formats from the machine builders, drawings, technical documents, meeting notes, lattice simulation input files, etc. The World Wide Web is being used to make the information accessible both at CERN and at the external collaborating laboratories. In this paper we describe the implementation of an Oracle database as the central common repository for machine parameters and of information for the automatic generation of CAD layout drawings and WWW pages. This system is integrated in a larger context, the EDMS system for the LHC project, which encompasses both the accelerator and the experiments

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