
Status of the Construction of the First 15 m Long Superconducting Dipole Prototype for the LHC


CERN and INFN are jointly building the first full-size superconducting dipole prototype for the LHC. This magnet, whose construction was launched in spring 1995, is completely manufactured in industry . Its fabrication required the upgrade of the tooling which was used to build three 10-m long prototypes under a previous CERN-INFN Collaboration. The construction is being completed and the cryostate d magnet is expected to be at CERN for testing by the end of 1997. In this paper we discuss the results of the measurements carried out at 4.2 K and 2 K to determine the conductor properties (Ic of wi res and cables, magnetization), as well as the short sample limit. The main features of the coil construction are presented, together with the results of the main fabrication phases. In particular, th e validity of the fabrication techniques is assessed based on the obtained results

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