
Study of the role of the interface between niobium films and copper RF resonators


Niobium-coated copper resonators are usually produced with an oxide interface between the film and the substrate. This oxide has two sources: the passivation layer inevitably formed on the surface of the cavity after chemical preparation before coating, and the niobium oxide which builds up on the surface of the cathode when it is exposed to air, and is transferred to the cavity surface during coa ting. The oxide layer may influence both the purity and the structural properties of the film, and in turn its RF behaviour. To study its effect, some cavities have been coated with a special two-cath ode sputtering system, allowing for a complete removal of both oxide layers by sputter-etching. For comparison, a few cavities have also been produced with the same coating system without sputter-etch ing, or with a controlled oxidation of the copper surface of the cavity after sputter-etching. Two cavities have also been produced without oxide interface using Kr and Ne as sputter gas instead of Ar

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