
CERNs Large Hadron Collider (LHC) [1][2] will be supplied with protons from the injector chain Linac2-PS Booster (PSB)-PS-SPS (Fig. 1). The required transverse beam brilliance (intensity/emittance) is almost twice that of current PS beams and the LHC bunch spacing of 25 ns must be impressed on the beam before its transfer to the SPS. The scheme involves new RF harmonics in the PSB and the PS, an increase of the PSB energy, and two-batch filling of the PS. After a successful test of the main ingredients, a project for converting the PS complex was launched in 1994. Major additions are (i) h=1 RF systems in the PSB, (ii) upgrading of the PSB main magnet supply from 1 to 1.4 GeV operation, (iii) new magnets, septa, power supplies, kicker pulsers for the PSB-PS beam transfer, (iv) 40 and 80 MHz systems in the PS, (v) beam profile measurement devices with improved resolution. A significant part of the effort is being provided by TRIUMF under the Canada-CERN co-operation agreement on the LHC

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