
The evolution of the LEP logging database


In January 1992, a project was started to create a system, using an on-line ORACLE database, to allow logging of a multitude of data on the Large Electron Positron Collider (LEP). The aim of this project was to log particle beam characteristics, physics parameters, hardware settings and environmental conditions. Storing and keeping track of this heterogeneous data for a period of at least one year would permit a better understanding of the behavior of the fairly new LEP Collider.After using the logging system for almost four years, nearly three years of which in full operation, the reliability and performance has been proved, endorsing the design of the database and surrounding software. Moreover, the large number of users of the logging database and the huge amount of new requests for data logging shows the high activity and usefulness of this system. Furthermore, in the context of the 1993 and 1995 energy scans, the logged data turns out to be indispensable for thorough monitoring of the LEP beam energy, which is affected by many parameters.Since the commissioning in 1992, the logging database has been subject to an ORACLE migration from version 6 to 7 and a hardware upgrade of the host platform, in order to keep in step with latest technology and future user requirements.This paper describes the evolution and present state of the LEP logging database

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