
Micro-universes and "strong black holes": a purely geometric approach to elementary particles


We present here a panoramic view of our unified, bi--scale theory of gravitational and strong interactions [which is mathematically analogous to the last version of N.Rosen's bi--metric theory; and yields physical results similar to strong gravity's]. This theory, developed during the last 15 years, is purely geometrical in nature, adopting the methods of General Relativity for the description of hadron structure and strong interactions. In particular, hadrons are associated with `` strong black--holes'', from the external point of view, and with ``micro--universes'', from the internal point of view. Among the results herein presented, let us mention the derivation: (i) of confinement and (ii) asymptotic freedom for the hadron constituents; (iii) of the Yukawa behaviour for the strong potential at the static limit; (iv) of the strong coupling ``constant'', and (v) of mesonic mass spectra

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