
Notes on stochastic (bio)-logic gates: the role of allosteric cooperativity


Recent experimental breakthroughs have finally allowed to implement in-vitro reaction kinetics (the so called {\em enzyme based logic}) which code for two-inputs logic gates and mimic the stochastic AND (and NAND) as well as the stochastic OR (and NOR). This accomplishment, together with the already-known single-input gates (performing as YES and NOT), provides a logic base and paves the way to the development of powerful biotechnological devices. The investigation of this field would enormously benefit from a self-consistent, predictive, theoretical framework. Here we formulate a complete statistical mechanical description of the Monod-Wyman-Changeaux allosteric model for both single and double ligand systems, with the purpose of exploring their practical capabilities to express logical operators and/or perform logical operations. Mixing statistical mechanics with logics, and quantitatively our findings with the available biochemical data, we successfully revise the concept of cooperativity (and anti-cooperativity) for allosteric systems, with particular emphasis on its computational capabilities, the related ranges and scaling of the involved parameters and its differences with classical cooperativity (and anti-cooperativity)

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