
This paper is concerned with the verification of finite Markov chains against parametrized LTL (pLTL) formulas. In pLTL, the until-modality is equipped with a bound that contains variables; e.g., ◊≤x φ\Diamond_{\le x}\ \varphi asserts that φ\varphi holds within xx time steps, where xx is a variable on natural numbers. The central problem studied in this paper is to determine the set of parameter valuations V≺p(φ)V_{\prec p} (\varphi) for which the probability to satisfy pLTL-formula φ\varphi in a Markov chain meets a given threshold ≺p\prec p, where ≺\prec is a comparison on reals and pp a probability. As for pLTL determining the emptiness of V>0(φ)V_{> 0}(\varphi) is undecidable, we consider several logic fragments. We consider parametric reachability properties, a sub-logic of pLTL restricted to next and ◊≤x\Diamond_{\le x}, parametric B\"uchi properties and finally, a maximal subclass of pLTL for which emptiness of V>0(φ)V_{> 0}(\varphi) is decidable.Comment: TCS Track B 201

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