
Characterization of Riesz spaces with topologically full center


Let EE be a Riesz space and let EE^{\sim} denote its order dual. The orthomorphisms Orth(E)Orth(E) on E,E, and the ideal center Z(E)Z(E) of E,E, are naturally embedded in Orth(E)Orth(E^{\sim}) and Z(E)Z(E^{\sim}) respectively. We construct two unital algebra and order continuous Riesz homomorphisms γ:((Orth(E)))nOrth(E)  \gamma:((Orth(E))^{\sim})_{n}^{\sim}\rightarrow Orth(E^{\sim})\text{ }% and m:Z(E)Z(E) m:Z(E)^{\prime\prime}\rightarrow Z(E^{\sim}) that extend the above mentioned natural inclusions respectively. Then, the range of γ\gamma is an order ideal in Orth(E)Orth(E^{\sim}) if and only if mm is surjective. Furthermore, mm is surjective if and only if EE has a topologically full center. (That is, the σ(E,E)\sigma(E,E^{\sim})-closure of Z(E)xZ(E)x contains the order ideal generated by xx for each xE+.x\in E_{+}.) As a consequence, EE has a topologically full center Z(E)Z(E) if and only if Z(E)=πZ(E)Z(E^{\sim})=\pi\cdot Z(E)^{\prime\prime} for some idempotent $\pi\in Z(E)^{\prime\prime}.

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