
Supersymmetric E7(7)_{7(7)} Exceptional Field Theory


We give the supersymmetric extension of exceptional field theory for E7(7)_{7(7)}, which is based on a (4+56)(4+56)-dimensional generalized spacetime subject to a covariant constraint. The fermions are tensors under the local Lorentz group SO(1,3)×SU(8){\rm SO}(1,3)\times {\rm SU}(8) and transform as scalar densities under the E7(7)_{7(7)} (internal) generalized diffeomorphisms. The supersymmetry transformations are manifestly covariant under these symmetries and close, in particular, into the generalized diffeomorphisms of the 56-dimensional space. We give the fermionic field equations and prove supersymmetric invariance. We establish the consistency of these results with the recently constructed generalized geometric formulation of D=11D=11 supergravity.Comment: 38 pages + appendices; published version (JHEP

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