
On kinematical constraints in the hadrogenesis conjecture for the baryon resonance spectrum


We consider the reaction dynamics of bosons with negative parity and spin 00 or 11 and fermions with positive parity and spin 12\frac{1}{2} or 32\frac{3}{2}. Such systems are of central importance for the computation of the baryon resonance spectrum in the hadrogenesis conjecture. Based on a chiral Lagrangian the coupled-channel partial-wave scattering amplitudes have to be computed. We study the generic properties of such amplitudes. A decomposition of the various scattering amplitudes into suitable sets of invariant functions expected to satisfy Mandelstam's dispersion-integral representation is presented. Sets are identified that are free from kinematical constraints and that can be computed efficiently in terms of a novel projection algebra. From such a representation one can deduce the analytic structure of the partial-wave amplitudes. The helicity and the conventional angular-momentum partial-wave amplitudes are kinematically constrained at the Kibble conditions. Therefore an application of a dispersion-integral representation is prohibitively cumbersome. We derive covariant partial-wave amplitudes that are free from kinematical constraints at the Kibble conditions. They correspond to specific polynomials in the 4-momenta and Dirac matrices that solve the various Bethe-Salpeter equations in the presence of short-range interactions analytically.Comment: 18 page

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