
Brief Announcement: Almost-Tight Approximation Distributed Algorithm for Minimum Cut


In this short paper, we present an improved algorithm for approximating the minimum cut on distributed (CONGEST) networks. Let λ\lambda be the minimum cut. Our algorithm can compute λ\lambda exactly in \tilde{O}((\sqrt{n}+D)\poly(\lambda)) time, where nn is the number of nodes (processors) in the network, DD is the network diameter, and O~\tilde{O} hides \poly\log n. By a standard reduction, we can convert this algorithm into a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation \tilde{O}((\sqrt{n}+D)/\poly(\epsilon))-time algorithm. The latter result improves over the previous (2+ϵ)(2+\epsilon)-approximation \tilde{O}((\sqrt{n}+D)/\poly(\epsilon))-time algorithm of Ghaffari and Kuhn [DISC 2013]. Due to the lower bound of Ω~(n+D)\tilde{\Omega}(\sqrt{n}+D) by Das Sarma et al. [SICOMP 2013], this running time is {\em tight} up to a \poly\log n factor. Our algorithm is an extremely simple combination of Thorup's tree packing theorem [Combinatorica 2007], Kutten and Peleg's tree partitioning algorithm [J. Algorithms 1998], and Karger's dynamic programming [JACM 2000].Comment: To appear as a brief announcement at PODC 201

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