
Spectra of lens spaces from 1-norm spectra of congruence lattices


To every nn-dimensional lens space LL, we associate a congruence lattice L\mathcal L in Zm\mathbb Z^m, with n=2m−1n=2m-1 and we prove a formula relating the multiplicities of Hodge-Laplace eigenvalues on LL with the number of lattice elements of a given ∥⋅∥1\|\cdot\|_1-length in L\mathcal L. As a consequence, we show that two lens spaces are isospectral on functions (resp.\ isospectral on pp-forms for every pp) if and only if the associated congruence lattices are ∥⋅∥1\|\cdot\|_1-isospectral (resp.\ ∥⋅∥1\|\cdot\|_1-isospectral plus a geometric condition). Using this fact, we give, for every dimension n≥5n\ge 5, infinitely many examples of Riemannian manifolds that are isospectral on every level pp and are not strongly isospectral.Comment: Accepted for publication in IMR

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