
Laboratory Transferability of Optimally Shaped Laser Pulses for Quantum Control


Optimal control experiments can readily identify effective shaped laser pulses, or "photonic reagents", that achieve a wide variety of objectives. For many practical applications, an important criterion is that a particular photonic reagent prescription still produce a good, if not optimal, target objective yield when transferred to a different system or laboratory, {even if the same shaped pulse profile cannot be reproduced exactly. As a specific example, we assess the potential for transferring optimal photonic reagents for the objective of optimizing a ratio of photoproduct ions from a family of halomethanes through three related experiments.} First, applying the same set of photonic reagents with systematically varying second- and third-order chirp on both laser systems generated similar shapes of the associated control landscape (i.e., relation between the objective yield and the variables describing the photonic reagents). Second, optimal photonic reagents obtained from the first laser system were found to still produce near optimal yields on the second laser system. Third, transferring a collection of photonic reagents optimized on the first laser system to the second laser system reproduced systematic trends in photoproduct yields upon interaction with the homologous chemical family. Despite inherent differences between the two systems, successful and robust transfer of photonic reagents is demonstrated in the above three circumstances. The ability to transfer photonic reagents from one laser system to another is analogous to well-established utilitarian operating procedures with traditional chemical reagents. The practical implications of the present results for experimental quantum control are discussed

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