
Submodular Stochastic Probing on Matroids


In a stochastic probing problem we are given a universe EE, where each element eEe \in E is active independently with probability pep_e, and only a probe of e can tell us whether it is active or not. On this universe we execute a process that one by one probes elements --- if a probed element is active, then we have to include it in the solution, which we gradually construct. Throughout the process we need to obey inner constraints on the set of elements taken into the solution, and outer constraints on the set of all probed elements. This abstract model was presented by Gupta and Nagarajan (IPCO '13), and provides a unified view of a number of problems. Thus far, all the results falling under this general framework pertain mainly to the case in which we are maximizing a linear objective function of the successfully probed elements. In this paper we generalize the stochastic probing problem by considering a monotone submodular objective function. We give a (11/e)/(kin+kout+1)(1 - 1/e)/(k_{in} + k_{out}+1)-approximation algorithm for the case in which we are given kink_{in} matroids as inner constraints and koutk_{out} matroids as outer constraints. Additionally, we obtain an improved 1/(kin+kout)1/(k_{in} + k_{out})-approximation algorithm for linear objective functions

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