
Symplectic and contact properties of the Ma\~n\'e critical value of the universal cover


We discuss several symplectic aspects related to the Ma\~n\'e critical value c_u of the universal cover of a Tonelli Hamiltonian. In particular we show that the critical energy level is never of virtual contact type for manifolds of dimension greater than or equal to three. We also show the symplectic invariance of the finiteness of the Peierls barrier and the Aubry set of the universal cover. We also provide an example where c_u coincides with the infimum of Mather's \alpha -function but the Aubry set of the universal cover is empty and the Peierls barrier is finite. A second example exhibits all the ergodic invariant minimizing measures with zero homotopy, showing that, quite surprisingly, the union of their supports is not a graph, in contrast with Mather's celebrated graph theorem.Comment: 25 pages, to appear on NoDE

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