
Racks and blocked braids


In the paper Blocked-braid Groups, submitted to Applied Categorical Structures, the present authors together with Davide Maglia introduced the blocked-braid groups BB_n on n strands, and proved that a blocked torsion has order either 2 or 4. We conjectured that the order was actually 4 but our methods in that paper, which involved introducing for any group G a braided monoidal category of tangled relations, were inadequate to demonstrate this fact. Subsequently Davide Maglia in unpublished work investigated exactly what part of the structure and properties of a group G are needed to permit the construction of a braided monoidal category with a tangle algebra and was able to distinguish blocked two-torsions from the identity. In this paper we present a simplification of his answer, which turns out to be related to the notion of rack. We show that if G is a rack then there is a braided monoidal category TRel_G generalizing that of the above paper. Further we introduce a variation of the notion of rack which we call irack which yields a tangle algebra in TRel_G. Iracks are in particular racks but have in addition to the operations abstracting group conjugation also a unary operation abstracting group inverse. Using iracks we obtain new invariants for tangles and blocked braids permitting us to present a proof of Maglia's result that a blocked double torsion is not the identity. This work was presented at the Conference in Memory of Aurelio Carboni, Milan, 24-26 June 2013

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