
A Coloring Problem for Infinite Words


In this paper we consider the following question in the spirit of Ramsey theory: Given x∈Aω,x\in A^\omega, where AA is a finite non-empty set, does there exist a finite coloring of the non-empty factors of xx with the property that no factorization of xx is monochromatic? We prove that this question has a positive answer using two colors for almost all words relative to the standard Bernoulli measure on Aω.A^\omega. We also show that it has a positive answer for various classes of uniformly recurrent words, including all aperiodic balanced words, and all words x∈Aωx\in A^\omega satisfying λx(n+1)−λx(n)=1\lambda_x(n+1)-\lambda_x(n)=1 for all nn sufficiently large, where λx(n) \lambda_x(n) denotes the number of distinct factors of xx of length n.n.Comment: arXiv admin note: incorporates 1301.526

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