
h-approximation: History-Based Approximation of Possible World Semantics as ASP


We propose an approximation of the Possible Worlds Semantics (PWS) for action planning. A corresponding planning system is implemented by a transformation of the action specification to an Answer-Set Program. A novelty is support for postdiction wrt. (a) the plan existence problem in our framework can be solved in NP, as compared to Σ2P\Sigma_2^P for non-approximated PWS of Baral(2000); and (b) the planner generates optimal plans wrt. a minimal number of actions in Δ2P\Delta_2^P. We demo the planning system with standard problems, and illustrate its integration in a larger software framework for robot control in a smart home.Comment: 12th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2013

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