For a compact surface S with constant negative curvature −κ (for
some κ>0) and genus g≥2, we show that the tails of the distribution
of i(α,β)/l(α)l(β) (where i(α,β) is the
intersection number of the closed geodesics and l(⋅) denotes the
geometric length) are estimated by a decreasing exponential function. As a
consequence, we find the asymptotic normalized average of the intersection
numbers of pairs of closed geodesics on S. In addition, we prove that the
size of the sets of geodesics whose T-self-intersection number is not close
to κT2/(2π2(g−1)) is also estimated by a decreasing exponential
function. And, as a corollary of the latter, we obtain a result of S. Lalley
which states that most of the closed geodesics α on S with
l(α)≤T have roughly κl(α)2/(2π2(g−1))
self-intersections, when T is large