ELIE E-Learning in Engineering
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In the Regins project ‘ELIE ’ classical design content is integrated in an elearning platform incorporating didactic principles in order to improve the education of future and present engineers. The prerequisites for the development and expansion of the e-learning platform with computer supported engineering tools and methods are also investigated. Topics in the field of traditional engineering design are still largely taught in the classic lessons form, i.e. lectures complemented by practical exercises (calculation tasks or small design tasks). However, the computer is an important means of work, particularly for the development and design of automotive products. Thus, the education of these engineers must be supplemented by computer supported tools and methods. Up to now, traditional design teaching and computer supported engineering methods are still largely taught separately. Increased efforts result from this-contents are covered twice because the connections between traditional teaching and the use of computers are not arranged optimally. Due to a lack of time, some applications cannot be taught at all, although they are already widely used in industry. The situation is further intensified by the tendency to reduce the weekly lecture time for students as a result of the Bologna declaration. Although the teaching design for engineers actually requires more time, less time is available