A low complexity Wyner-Ziv coding solution for Light Field image transmission and storage


Compressing Light Field (LF) imaging data is a challenging but very important task for both LF image transmission and storage applications. In this paper, we propose a novel coding solution for LF images using the well-known Wyner-Ziv (WZ) information theorem. First, the LF image is decomposed into a fourth-dimensional LF (4D-LF) data format. Using a spiral scanning procedure, a pseudo-sequence of 4D-LF is generated. This sequence is then compressed in a distributed coding manner as specified in the WZ theorem. Secondly, a novel adaptive frame skipping algorithm is introduced to further explore the high correlation between 4D-LF pseudo-sequences. Experimental results show that the proposed LF image compression solution is able to achieve a significant performance improvement with respect to the standard, notably around 54% bitrate saving when compared with the standard High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Intra benchmark while requiring less computational complexity

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