Content Based Rate Estimation using Lazy Membership Testing


Fast IP flow rate estimation has many potential applications in network management, monitoring, security, and traffic engineering. Recently, low cost and memory efficient techniques to accurately estimate flow-rates in real-time have been developed. These techniques rely on flow definitions being constrained to being subsets of the fields in the packet header making flow-membership tests relatively inexpensive. In this paper, we consider a more general flow-rate estimation problem where flow membership testing is non-trivial and may involve more complex processing such as packet-payload based tests. An example is to estimate the amount of traffic that contains a given set of patterns (e.g., virus or worm signatures). We design new flow estimation techniques to reduce the number of membership tests. These techniques track pairs of arrivals that have the given property of interest and use lazy membership testing to avoid complex property testing unless absolutely necessary. The efficiency of the new schemes is evaluated by both analysis and simulation. I

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