and Learning
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This phenomenological inquiry explored the experiences of library leaders and discipline faculty members engaging in a collaborative instructional change initiative focused on a process-based learning pedagogy and led by an academic library. The investigation’s purpose was providing insight and understanding concerning the: (a) library’s role in instructional leadership; (b) experience of librarians leading instructional change; (c) experience of faculty members as they design assignments and modify courses to include process-based learning; and (d) prospect of process-based learning as a learning centered curricular tool. Four research questions guided the inquiry: (1) What is the context of this library’s instructional change initiative? (2) What are the library leaders ’ experiences of their roles as initiative leaders? (3) What are the faculty members ’ experiences of their roles as initiative participants? (4) How do library leaders influence instructional change? The study focused on a university library that designed and implemented an undergraduate research-based learning initiative. Interviews with library leaders and faculty participants captured the essence and meaning o