Implementation of a large-scale variable velocity flow routing algorithm in the Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM


ABSTRACT Implementation and validation of a flow routing scheme for the North American domain of the Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM) is described. A variable velocity flow routing algorithm is used to transport runoff from the land surface to the continental edges and provide freshwater flux forcing for the oceans. The flow routing scheme uses Manning’s equation to estimate flow velocities for river channels whose cross-sections are assumed to be rectangular. Discretization of major North American river basins and their flow directions are obtained at the polar stereographic resolution of the CRCM using 5-minute global river flow direction data as a template. In the absence of observation-based gridded estimates of runoff, model runoff estimates from a global simulation of the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) hydrological model (forced with observationbased meteorological data) are used to validate the flow routing scheme. Model results show that the inclusion of flow routing improves the comparison with observation-based streamflow estimates when compared to the unrouted runoff. Monthly comparison of simulated streamflow with observation-based estimates, and basin-wide averaged flow velocities, suggests that the flow routing scheme performs satisfactorily. RÉSUME [Traduit par la rédaction] L’article décrit la mise en œuvre et la validation d’un schéma de routage du ruissellement pour le domaine nord-américain du Modèle régional canadien du climat (MRCC). Un algorithme de routage du ruissellement à vitesse variable est utilisé pour simuler le transport du ruissellement à la surfac

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