
Abstract — In the standard Mobile IPv6, route optimization or bidirectional tunnelling through the home agent show inefficiency in per-packet forwarding, especially when both communicating endpoints are mobile. To be scalable and compatible, mobile devices ’ packets should be forwarded in a way with minimal changes to the network infrastructure. However, the current solutions do not provide any means for the end systems to perform optimized packet routing during the operation of mobile devices. In this paper, following a performance analysis of Mobile IPv6 routing mechanisms, we present the E 2 T- an extension to Mobile IPv6 for routing packets. It reduces per-packet forwarding cost for the communications of mobile devices. With this approach, packets are routed thorough end-to-end tunnelling between communicating endpoints, which requires little change to Mobile IPv6, but allows more efficient forwarding behavior. The numerical analysis and simulation results show it requires less overhead than the standard route optimization and it helps to achieve a low end-to-end traffic delay. Index Terms — Mobile IPv6, internetworking, mobility management, routing I

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