A Simulator For Differential Msk Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
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In this poster we shall present a simulator developed for complete simulation of a D-MSK DSSS (Differential Minimum Shift Keying Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) system which operates in a multipath AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) channel. The simulator is "complete" in the sense that it simulates the transmitter, the channel, and the receiver. This includes precise simulation of the various synchronization loops in the receiver, ability to simulate a virtually unlimited number of multipath interferers with arbitrary amplitudes, and complete control over the parameters of the communications link. The simulator is operated through a Matlab GUI (Graphical User Interface) which runs proprietary code written in Matlab. In addition to discussing the simulator itself, we shall also outline one of the unique applications of the simulation program, which is in the development of a novel technique for acoustic travel-time measurement in geophysical exploration