Efficient Signaling Algorithms for ATM Networks
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ATM provides a connection-oriented model of communication. Each conversation between two end-points occurs over a virtual circuit. All cells for the same conversation flow along the same virtual circuit. For the circuit to be established, a call setup process is initiated by the source host and run over all intermediate switches in the path, as well as the destination. In the current ATM standard, signaling messages are carried between any pair of adjacent switches on a special reserved channel. Switch control software implement call setup protocols and the call setup algorithms defined by the protocols. Various such protocols exist, such as SPANS[5] and Q.2931[2]. We enumerate several properties that all ATM signaling algorithms must satisfy. With current signaling software and protocols, call setup time depends linearly on the number of switches in the setup path. As ATM network diameters grow larger, current standards result in large latencies in call setup time. When the call setup..