Large Integer Multiplication on Massively Parallel Processors
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We present results of a technique for multiplying large integers using the Fermat Number Transform. When the Fermat Number Transform was first proposed, word length constraints limited its effectiveness. Despite the development of multidimensional techniques to extend the length of the FNT, the relatively small word length of existing machines made the transform of little more than academic interest. The emergence of new computer architectures, however, has made the Fermat Number Transform more attractive. On machines like the Connection Machine, for example, we may implement the Fermat Number Transform without regard to word length considerations. We present a convolution algorithm on a massively parallel processor, based on the Fermat Number Transform. We present some examples of the tradeoffs between modulus, interprocessor communication steps, and input size. We then discuss the application of this algorithm in the multiplication of large integers, and report performance results on..