Amon: A parallel slice algorithm for wire routing.


In this paper a new parallel global and detailed wire routing algorithm called "Amon" is introduced. Both of them are done in parallel using different processor elements (PEs). We introduce a new way of dividing the multilayer grid into layers, and dividing layers into slices. Each PE, in the detailed routing, has a responsibility for one or more slice. This way of division obtains a high degree of parallelism. A new detailed routing algorithm which routes nets under the condition that these net paths do not prevent other nets from being routed later is also introduced. Amon gives high routing quality by using fewer vias and shorter wire length than the other algorithms. The results show that this algorithm obtains higher connection ratio than maze running algorithm. 1 Introduction Automated wire routing is to find a path between two or more network (net) pins and this path must not intersect with previous drawn paths. The basic problems of automated wire routing are the long computat..

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