A Conservative Parallel Simulation Algorithm for Entity-Oriented Modeling


Conservative parallel simulation protocols are such that each logical process (LP) in the simulation execute events only when it is certain that there will not be any time-order causality violation. Examples of conservative protocols include the asynchronous ChandyMisra -Bryant (CMB) algorithm [2], and synchronous algorithms such as that described in [1,6]. In all these protocols, time-guarantee (or time-bound) information for an LP is computed from the other LP's (e.g. in CMB protocol, an LP i sends lookahead information to a next LP j , to give a lower time-bound for future events arriving at LP j from LP i .) In this paper, we propose a variant form of conservative parallel simulation protocol in which the timeguarantee for an LP is computed from the existing events in the system. The difference is this: in an algorithm such as the CMB protocol, an LP i may process different types of events, each of which may generate different events that proceed on to different LP's. It can be dif..

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