Development of A Program Information Base for FPT Programming Environment


Introduction There are many efforts in parallel programming environments (PPE) for translating sequential program into parallel codes and for aiding programmers in writing parallel program efficiently and correctly. Examples are CASE [1], ParaScope [3], CEDAR [5], Parafrase [6], Tiny [7]. Because efficient parallel programs are difficultly to be obtained due to different program characteristics and asynchronous behaviours of the parallel parts, the user's experience and knowledge is necessary to parallelize a program with low overhead. The different program characteristics ask for different parallelizing strategies and algorithms. Many existing PPEs are not feasible to every application and computer architecture. Interactive user interface is useful for users to manipulate and parallelize their applications. Users can specify which dependence can be ignored and which can be transferred, what loop transformations are needed. As a result, the efficiency of the parallel program i

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