A Parallel Implementation of the Invariant Subspace Decomposition Algorithm for Dense Symmetric Matrices
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. We give an overview of the Invariant Subspace Decomposition Algorithm for dense symmetric matrices (SYISDA) by first describing the algorithm, followed by a discussion of a parallel implementation of SYISDA on the Intel Delta. Our implementation utilizes an optimized parallel matrix multiplication implementation we have developed. Load balancing in the costly early stages of the algorithm is accomplished without redistribution of data between stages through the use of the block scattered decomposition. Computation of the invariant subspaces at each stage is done using a new tridiagonalization scheme due to Bischof and Sun. 1. Introduction Computation of all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a dense symmetric matrix is an essential kernel in many applications. The ever-increasing computational power available from parallel computers offers the potential for solving much larger problems than could have been contemplated previously. Hardware scalability of parallel machines is freque..