Interactive Exploration as a Formal Text Retrieval Method: How Well can Interactivity Compensate for Unsophisticated Retrieval Algorithms
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this paper show, our system was able to perform large scale text retrieval on routing queries, albeit not at a level to challenge well established text retrieval systems. However, since ST-PatTREC can handle both browsing and querying styles of interaction in a single environment, and since ST-PatTREC did reasonably well in comparison with other systems in category B of the competition, the present findings demonstrate that it should be possible to develop general-purpose information exploration systems that allow for both browsing and querying styles of interaction. The results that we obtained provide a baseline for what can be done when a browsing style of query formulation is combined with simple text retrieval methods. In addition to discussing the methods used and results in TREC-3, future plans are outlined for using visualizing and other styles of browsing in information exploration. Information Exploration (Browsing AND Querying