Adaptive Optics Observation of QSOs Fields


We present preliminary results of AO imaging of quasars fields obtained with the CFHT adaptive optics system. The different issues that can be adressed by QSOs imaging are illustrated. 1 Introduction Studies of the quasar environment can really benefits from the use of adaptive optics. There are basically three scientific issues that can be addressed through QSOs fields imaging; ffl the nature of the QSO host galaxy in order to disentangle, for instance, the difference between radio--loud and radio--quiet objects, ffl the properties of the possible companions in order to assess the role that gravitational interaction may play, ffl the properties of the intervening galaxies that give rise to the absorption line systems. AO offers a spatial resolution that allows the detection of the host--galaxy and by concentrating the flux in the core of the image permits the detection of faint companions or intervening galaxies. Unfortunately, adaptive optics observations of quasars fields are qu..

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