Converse : An Interoperable Framework for Parallel Programming
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Many different parallel languages and paradigms have been developed, each with its own advantages. To benefit from all of them, it should be possible to link together modules written in different parallel languages in a single application. Since the paradigms sometimes differ in fundamental ways, this is difficult to accomplish. This paper describes a framework, Converse, that supports such multi-lingual interoperability. The framework is meant to be inclusive, and has been verified to support the SPMD programming style, message-driven programming, parallel object-oriented programming, and thread-based paradigms. The framework aims at extracting the essential aspects of the runtime support into a set of core components, so that language-specific code does not have to pay overhead for features that it does not need. 1 Introduction Research on parallel computing has produced a number of different parallel programming paradigms, architectures and algorithms. There is a wealth of paralle..