
We analyze multiscale Galerkin methods for strongly elliptic boundary integral equations of order zero on closed surfaces in lR 3 . Piecewise polynomial, discontinuous multiwavelet bases of any polynomial degree are constructed explicitly. We show that optimal convergence rates in the boundary energy norm and in certain negative norms can be achieved with "compressed" stiffness matrices containing O(N (log N) 2 ) nonvanishing entries where N denotes the number of degrees of freedom on the boundary manifold. We analyze a quadrature scheme giving rise to fully discrete methods. We show that the fully discrete scheme preserves the asymptotic accuracy of the scheme and that its overall computational complexity is O(N (log N) 4 ) kernel evaluations. The implications of the results for the numerical solution of elliptic boundary value problems in or exterior to bounded, three-dimensional domains are discussed. AMS(MOS) subject classifications (1991): Primary: 65N38 Secondary: 65N55 1 ..

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