SOCAP: System for Operations Crisis Action Planning
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In this paper, we report on our past and recent experiences in applying an AI generative planning system, called System for Interactive Planning and Execution (SIPE-2), to the problem of generating crisis action operations plans in a joint military domain * . We describe our motivation for selecting a generative planner, the application itself (including the second Integrated Feasibility Demonstration, IFD-2) , and the lessons we learned in creating it. We also report on the applied research we performed to address the lessons learned in IFD-2. This involved integrating the generative planner with several complementary technologies that were available through the Planning Initiative (PI): a temporal reasoner, a case-based reasoner, and the capacity analysis component of a scheduling system. These technology integration experiments (TIEs) were executed within the Common Prototyping Environment (CPE). We discuss both the unique characteristics of each TIE and the general features that ..